Compliance Services

The goal of Compliance Services is to ensure that all documented violations of Texas environmental laws and regulations are resolved. Violations identified by Pollution Control Services are documented in Violation Notices that are issued to the violator. The Violation Notice asks for a written reply detailing the circumstances behind the violation, and the efforts made to remediate harm to the environment and to stop the violation from occurring again.

A vast majority of violations identified by Pollution Control Services are resolved through educating the violator on current environmental laws and regulations. Persistent and/or substantial violations are referred to the County Attorney’s Office for civil enforcement action or the District Attorney’s Office for criminal enforcement action. These cases result in penalties and/or injunctive language.

Compliance Cases

PCS Road To Enforcement

PCS Road to Enforcement

Discover The Steps PCS Takes To Investigate Your Complaint

  1. Call is answered by PCS.
  2. Verify the caller’s name and address.
  3. Ask for a full description of the complaint.
  4. Input complaint’s information into the system. Calls from within City of Houston may be forwarded to 311.
  5. PCS dispatcher assigns an investigator to the complaint. If forwarded to 311, PCS does not conduct the investigation.
  6. PCS investigator receives the complaint and initiates an investigation or facility inspection.
  7. Investigator gathers evidence which may include: field observations, testimonies, photos, and samples for lab analysis.
  8. If violations are found, a Violation Notice is issued to the violator which contains the investigation basics and the governing regulations violated.
  9. The Violation Notice will ask for a response within 10 days that includes the steps taken to eliminate the violation and prevent recurrence.
  10. The Violation Notice explains the potential for an enforcement action, which may include civil or criminal charges, which may result in penalties.
  11. PCS Compliance Coordinators will review each Violation Notice response and conduct a compliance enforcement review to determine appropriate next steps. The compliance enforcement review consists of reviewing violations issued to the violator, which includes the severity of violations and the impact of the violations to the environment. The Compliance Coordinator will make a recommendation for civil or criminal enforcement to the PCS Director.
  12. Upon PCS Director approval of the enforcement action, a letter will be issued to the violator informing them that the violations have been referred to the County Attorney or District Attorney’s Office.
  13. The Commissioners, Judge’s Office, and precinct reps, get copies of the subject and the attorney letter sent in Step 12.  Commissioners and precinct reps only get copies of the forwarding letters sent out within their precinct.


What do I do when I am inspected by a PCS Investigator and found to be in violation?

The investigator will explain what law or regulation you violated and give you contact information for additional help if needed. You should immediately cease the violation and pick up any spill, contaminated soil or solid waste and properly dispose of the waste and spilled material. Dispose of the waste at a Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) approved site for disposal. Mail copies of the disposal receipts and your written reply to the Violation Notice within 10 days to the Compliance Coordinator listed on your Violation Notice or to:

Rachel LaSota
Compliance Manager
Pollution Control Services Department
101 S. Richey, Suite H
Pasadena, TX 77506

Or to:

Make sure to reference the Inspection Number listed on your Violation Notice, the property address involved, your name and contact information, the date of the inspection and/or the investigator’s name, and the date on the Violation Notice.